I Pelasgi, che furono i primi ad arrivare nelle terre della odierna Grecia, portarono con loro il culto una religione primitiva. Gli storici antichi, prima di tutti Erodoto, ci scrivono che i Pelasgi facevano ai loro dei ogni sorta di sacrifici, ma che non davano loro dei nomi specifici. Essi non avevano dei materializzati, idoli fatti dalla mano dell’uomo, ma adoravano la natura con i suoi benevoli fenomeni. La loro teogonia, che alla fine è stata assimilata e forse è stata perfezionata dai Greci, è stata solo il frutto delle osservazioni dei movimenti fisici della natura e della continuità del tempo: il rapporto degli elementi. In poche parole era solo una serie di conseguenze logiche o, meglio, una spiegazione molto primitiva delle origini del mondo, i primi frutti del lavoro mentale di persone approdate al campo della filosofia.

Caos, Χάος, che è soltanto il vuoto, lo“spalancarsi”, deriva dalle parole pelasgiche hahao, (io mangio) e has, haos, (mangiare), oppure dalle parole haap, haapsi, haopsi, (spalancare, il vuoto). Queste parole hanno lo stesso significato nella lingua odierna albanese.

Dal Caos discende Erebo, Έρεβος, il buio privo di luce delle profondità. Questa parola ha come radice erh, errem, erhëni , erhësi (notte, buio, nella lingua albanese). U err nell’albanese odierno vuol dire è calata la notte, il buio; erret, cala la notte, errësira il buio.

Gea, Γεα, Γη, è la terra; in albanese la terra si chiama dhe.

Urano, Ουρανός. Questa parola si pronuncia oras-os. In albanese le parole vran, vrant, i vrant, significano nube e nuvoloso. Se alla parola vran aggiungiamo il suffisso greco os abbiamo vranos, che è il nome con cui i Pelasgi e i loro diretti discendenti, gli Albanesi, mostrano il cielo come la sede delle nubi (të vrenjturit).

Dalla unione di Urano con Gea e cioè del cielo e la terra, sono nati Rea e Cronos.

Rea in lingua albanese vuol dire nube, nuvola, cielo.

Cronos, Κρoνος, deriva dalla parola albanese Kohë (il tempo). In alcune parti dell’Albania la lettera K si cambia in R, e cosi là dove si deve pronunciare kohë si pronuncia rohë. Kohn e rohn significa egualmente il tempo; ora, aggiungendo il suffisso greco os, avremo Cronos.

Da Rea è nato Zeus (Giove). Zaa, Zëë, nella lingua albanese significa voce. La voce (Zëëri) era il dio dei Pelasgi. In Albania ci sono ancora posti dove si dice; Zëë! Lirona sot së keq! (Dio! liberaci dal male!). Le parole Zaa, Zëë (voce) sono trasformate in Zaan, Zaon, e Zoot, parole che oggi significano Signore, Dio, e la gente giura su Zonë, Zotin (Dio,Signore).

Zeus si unisce con Metide Μήτις, che significava il “saggio consiglio”. La parola Ment in albanese significa intelligenza, pensiero. I Greci hanno eliminato la lettera N ed hanno aggiunto il loro suffisso is e cosi hanno creato il nome di Metis (Metide in italiano). Da questa unione nasce Atena (Minerva), Αθήνα. Minerva nasce dalla testa (che era considerata la sede dell’intelligenza) di Giove (Zeus). I Greci, che non conservarono ricordi della lingua pelasgica, non hanno mai saputo dare una spiegazione razionale sul nome della dea Atena. Essi si sono limitati a delle semplici ed incomprensibili ipotesi. Al contrario, nella lingua albanese troviamo una spiegazione molto chiara e convincente. Thane, thënë nella lingua albanese sono voci del verbo them (parlo, parlare): e thana oppure e thëna significano parlare. Atena (Athina) è parola di dio, quella parola (di dio) che troviamo in tutte le religioni del mondo, da quelle più antiche fino a quelle più moderne. La parola del dio dei Pelasgi che è uscita da Zeus, la forza, la potenza e da Mentide, l’intelligenza, il pensiero.

Era, Ήρα, (Giunone), per i Greci significa aria. Era nella lingua albanese significa, aria, vento.

Nemesi, Νεμεόιζ. Il nome significa “la giusta ira, che si rivolge contro coloro che hanno violato un ordinamento”. Nella lingua albanese nëmë, nëmës significano maledizione, una cosa che attira il male e scatena sofferenza e dolore. Crediamo che il nome di Nemesi si spieghi perfettamente con le parole albanesi nëmë, nëmës.

Le Erinni Εριυυύες. Il nome di queste divinità deriva dalle parole albanesi err, errni, i errët errësirë, (buio, buio pesto, oscuro), oppure dalle parole rrënëe, rrënime, rrënoja (distruzione, macerie ecc.).

Le Muse, Μούσα. Nella lingua albanese mësoj dhe musoj significa imparo per me ed insegno agli altri. Le Muse erano coloro che insegnavano, che ispiravano.

Teti, , Θέτις. Era una divinità marina. In albanese abbiamo la parola det (mare).

Afrodite, Αφροδίτη. Venere è la dea dell’amore e della bellezza, e anche della stella del mattino. In albanese Afrodite significa “vicino ad alba” (Afër-dita).

Delos, Δήλος. Idolo dedicato al sole. Nella lingua albanese abbiamo la parola diell (sole); aggiungendo il suffisso greco os abbiamo dielos.

Qui ci fermiamo per non stancare ulteriormente il lettore. Siamo conviti che gli esempi che abbiamo dato possano bastare per confermare ancora una volta l’importanza che ha avuto la lingua pelasgo-albanese nella lingua greco antica e non solo.

Liberamente tratto dal libro E vërteta mbi Shqipërinë dhe shqiptarët dell’autore Pashko Vasa

29 Commenti

  1. Oh my God! I will propose mr. Vasa Pashko for Nobel Prize!

  2. Pashko Vasa knew more than he wrote about history. He was the prime minister of Lebanon and a Freemason too.

  3. From 1842 to 1847 he worked as a secretary for the British consulate in Shkodër. He there had the opportunity to perfect his knowledge of a number of foreign languages: Italian, French, Turkish and Greek. He also knew some English and Serbo-Croatian, and in later years learned Arabic.
    On July 18, 1883 became Governor General of the Lebanon, a post reserved by international treaty for a Catholic of Ottoman nationality, and a position he apparently held, true to the traditions of the Lebanon. There he spent the last years of his life and died in Beirut after a long illness on June 29, 1892.
    Pashko Vasa was also the author of a number of literary works of note. The first of these is a volume of Italian verse entitled Rose e spine, Constantinople 1873 (Roses and thorns), forty-one emotionally-charged poems (a total of ca. 1,600 lines) devoted to themes of love, suffering, solitude and death in the traditions of the romantic verse of his European predecessors Giacomo Leopardi, Alphonse de Lamartine and Alfred de Musset. Among the subjects treated in these meditative Italian poems, two of which are dedicated to the Italian poets Francesco Petrarch and Torquato Tasso, are life in exile and family tragedy, a reflection of Pashko Vasa's own personal life.

  4. Pasha Zotin Elton,nga ta kan get sitin keta bythcima;...
    Oho,zoti im.Un jam tuj pordhpozu per pordhen Nooobel.
    Keta,nuk mun me fillue fjaline pa perdor fjalen..Oh..Oh...
    A jane shtu pak si shume kto kohet e funit,Elton?
    Mor,po e kan kthy trunin,e kan ba n'van te bythes.
    Qisin menime me ere te keq,mor burre ene pa lidhje.Pashko ka shkrue per zanin jon,diell ai asht tu pordhue per preshin Nobel.
    Asht koha e .oi...ohi-ve Elton!Kan dekun burrat me men si KATOLIKU Pashko Vasa.Te pakun ne kurven Europe.Vllazenit e Pashko Vasos,ketu Ne U.S.A,jane shendosh e mire.I kane templlat me shanjen "G" te madhe,ne cdo km katror.

  5. Duhet pasur parasysh qe fjalet e "greqishtes se lashte" si dhe te "maqedonishtes" te supozuar, shpeshhere paraqiten nga ana grafike si identike me fjalet shqipe.. Megjithate nuk duhet harruar qe fjalet e shqipes, jane themeli i fjaleve me kuptime paksa te ndryshme, me komplekse ne gjuhe te "tjera", si psh sic eshte rasti i fjales ujë te shqipes per uet=ujt (shi) te greqishtes.
    Ndryshimi thelbësor mes kuptimit të fjalës greke nga rrënja e saj shqipe qëndron në largimin e greqishtes nga kuptimi i parë burimor dhe veshja e fjalës me kuptime të mbartura po të rrënjës shqipe. Ky diversifikim e kapërcen edhe këtë cak të fundit, puna arrin deri aty sa që grekët për të emërtuar shiun të përdorin shqipen uji!?..

  6. Përgjigje anonimit n.2

    Lënë fare këtë çeshtje, shoku në USA. Më peshën dhe vlerën e Shqipës nuk guxohet t'i afrohet asnjë gjuhë tjetër në tërësi, paska se është lënë qellimisht nën hije thesari leksikor i gegnishtës, "mushkëria" tjetër e pazvendueshme e shqipës. Gjuha shqipe nuk është vetëm e mirë, e delirë, ajo është dhe shumë therrese, shumë ironike! Shqipja na mëson të lexojme më mirë, të kuptojmë më mirë se çdo gjuhë tjetër, pasi ajo është gjuha mëmë. Ajo na mëson se shumë
    gjera qe ne sot i mbajmë per vlera jane jovlera, apo kundervlera, si me rastin e "imbeçilizmave" të pasthirrmave anglo-amerikane të naltpërmendura, si dhe shumë "imbeçilizma" robotike të mbarë botës moderne. Shqipja e madhërishme i ka dhënë frymë mendimeve filozofike të të gjitha kohërave, pasi logjika është natyra e saj, thelbi i saj.

    Sa me prane shqiptareve, aq me te aferta jane gjuhet e tjera me shqipen. Sa me te largeta vendet, aq me te largeta dhe gjuhet nga shqipja... Qendra gjuhesore dhe kulturore e njerezimit jane trojet shqiptare, qendra e dijes

    E verteta mbi shqipen dhe gjuhet e tjera eshte nje e vertete e pamohueshme shkencore, e cila ne nje dite te aferme do te ndryshoje rrenjesisht menyren se si shqiptaret mendojne per veten dhe shoqerine, per vendin e tyre dhe boten qe i rrethon…

  7. E vërteta është se gjiuha shqipe është një gjiuhë si tjetërat! Edhe ktu shkruani përralla ...

  8. Pa dyshim, thjesht mjetë komunikimi si të tjerat. Veç se ndër më të bukura dhe me më shumë tinguj në botë.

  9. ἄβαγνα abagna------ asht banja
    ἀβαρκνᾷ abarknai ---- asht barka
    ἀβαρύ abarú---- asht bariu, bari
    ἄβρομον ----asht brumi
    ἀγκαλίς-- a gjinkalle
    ἀδῆ---a dhe
    ἀκρέα-- a kreu
    ἀκρουνο--- a krroni(krroi)
    ἀλίη--a lië
    ἄλιζα---a lisa
    ἄξος--- aks(bosht)
    ἄσπιλος---a spille ose shpelle
    βίῤῥοξ--bir ose burre
    γάρκα --gjark

  10. Perrallat deri me tani jane ne pjesen tjeter te botes.Perrallat fillojne pikersht aty kur fillon e te flitet per "greqishten e vjeter".Eshte peralle,e madhe bile.Fillon dhe zvranintet vetem kur meson gjuhen shqipe.Kur je gjuhetar dhe njeh "gjuhet e medha te vdekura",tek gjuha shqipe mund te shikosh vazhdimin e gjalle te tyre.Mund ta prekesh,ta ndjesh...Nje larmi tingujsh qe nuk i ka as nje gjuhe mbi toke.Tingyj qe nuk mund ti degjosh me sot ne gjuhet moderne "gj","gl","q","y"..Fjale te shkurtera dhe te sakta.Fjali te shkurtera te ndertuara per te folur nder burra.Ne shqipe eshte Homeri,Aristoteli deri tek faraonet e Egjyptit.Shprehja e tille:"Eshte zemer mire",:Zamen mire","Zemren e mire...",ju nuk mund ta dini sa e vjeter eshte.Eshte kenaqesi e jashtezakonshme kur shikon hiroglifin egjyptian te zemres dhe nxe kuptimin e saj.Une kete e kam ne gjuhen time.Njerezit sot nuk e kuptojne qe ai hiroglif zberthehet ne "zam".E kane zberthyer sic u kane thene peralla.Ne vitin 1908,mezi u zberthye teksti grek i Rozeta Stone, nga nje jo grek.E perktheu fillimisht ambasadori i Suedise,por thane qe ishte me shume gabime.Champollion dhe Young "perkthenin" ne fillim greiqshten e vjeter ne te dhe pas asaj,te perkthenin ose gjenin kuptimin e hiroglifeve.Dhe e gjeten..sipas peralles.Pa dit ende sot se cdo me then "Kleopatra",shkojne edhe gjejne hiroglifet korispondues tek guri i Rozetes.Po sikur "kleopatra",emer cik si i gjate per kohet,te kete qene kre i par,kre p(b)a t ra.Ka mundesi qe emri Ptomeleo eshte i zberthyer nga emri Kleopatres.
    Perrallat nuk mund te jene ndryshe.

  11. Harrova të shkruaj kuptimin e atyre hiroglifeve që Champollion i zbërthey si "kleopatra".
    Kuptimi i tyre është;
    "zod që leo hyu".
    Deri më sot asnjë gjuhëtar nuk mund të kuptoj "q" e vjetër dhe “ç”-në.Në ato hiroglife Champollion nuk mund të kuptonte:
    Kuptimin e katrorit (merret si "p" në ngjashmeri me grk.t vjetër),kuptimin e piktures të një "D" horizontale sipër katrorit,kuptimin e një litari të lidhur fjongo(kyç) në një anë,kuptimin e një litari të palidhur në forme harku me kulm nga lart.Kuptoi "leo",luani i shtrirë,ose në një për dorim tjetër që tregon gruan pas lindjes,"lehona" në gjuhën shqipe,dhe një pjesë të tyre,gjë që në fakt përbënte një hap përpara në krahasim me cfare dihej.
    Duhet të dish shqipen si “lidh,kliç(Çame),kyç(geg),leqe,zo,ndë=të(sot),..
    Vetem me shpjegue ndërtimin "lehona",që është një kliç,ose kyç gjuhe,mua do t’më duhej një libër i tërë.Por,tek “lehona” fillon gjuha shqipe.Eshte vetëm fillimi i saj.
    Atmir Ilias.

  12. Elton, do t'me falesh per perkthimin e keq nga vet libri qe jam duke shkruar.Behet fjale per termin "Ptolmys".Eshte ne anglisht.Dihet se si eshte perkthimi.Pjesa e sakte eshte do ta jap me poshte.Ne te nuk mund te perfshija figuren e hiroglifeve.
    Harrova të shkruaj kuptimin e atyre hiroglifeve që Champollion i zbërthey si PTOLMYS dhe qe sot njihet ne gjuhe te ndryshme si;"ptolomeo,ptolemy,ptolemaeus,ptolemaios".
    Zberthimi im eshte:
    "zod që leo hyu".
    image011.jpg [ 13.41 KiB | Viewed 5 times ]

    Ne skypen e mevonshme,e cila sot quhet greqishte e vjeter,u thjeshtua pak.Dihete qe "greqishtja e vjeter" eshte skype e bashkuar,skype e rritur tashme.Ajo u thjeshtua ne:
    "Zot(i) me leo" dhe mbaresa te teperta.Në shqipen e re është "Zoti më lindi"
    Deri më sot asnjë gjuhëtar nuk mund të kuptoj "q" e vjetër dhe “ç”-në.Në ato hiroglife Champollion nuk mund të kuptonte:
    Kuptimin e katrorit (merret si "p" në ngjashmeri me grk.t vjetër),kuptimin e piktures të një "D" horizontale sipër katrorit,kuptimin e një litari të lidhur fjongo(kyç) në një anë,kuptimin e një litari të palidhur në forme harku me kulm nga lart.Kuptoi "leo",luani i shtrirë,ose në një për dorim tjetër që tregon gruan pas lindjes,"lehona" në gjuhën shqipe,dhe një pjesë të tyre,gjë që në fakt përbënte një hap përpara në krahasim me cfare dihej.
    Duhet të dish shqipen si “lidh,kliç(Çame),kyç(geg),leqe,zo,ndë=të(sot),..
    Vetem me shpjegue ndërtimin "lehona",që është një kliç,ose kyç gjuhe,mua do t’më duhej një libër i tërë.Por,tek “lehona” fillon gjuha shqipe.Eshte vetëm fillimi i saj.
    Atmir Ilias.

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  14. Questo commento è stato eliminato da un amministratore del blog.

  15. Avash - avash i kemi marrë këto punë, avash - avash do të bien kështjellat e tyre. A ka njerëz mes nesh që duan të na pengojnë? Mizat në bythë të kalit atë punë kanë.

    Kështu, grekët të llastuar nga Evropa bërtasin me të madhe, jemi ne ata (shkërdhata) që i kemi dhënë mendje e dituri botës! Një popull i tërë i llastuar pa të drejtë e që eshtë shndërruar i tëri në ndyrësirë! Grekët, që nuk arrijnë të shqiptojnë pastër asnjë gjuhë të huaj për faj të defekteve që kanë në të folur!

    Greket dhe evropianet shpresonin se Rrumpalla qe ata kane bere me Historine e Shqiptareve do te funksiononte per jetë. Greket kane patur shprese se pas miliona librave te shkruara per mitologjine dhe historine e Greqise, pas kodit te fshehte mbi te cilen eshte ndertuar greqishtja dhe pas mjeteve repressive, qe ushtrojne "Prifterinjtë" ne cdo cep te botes per te mos u tronditur Trashegimia, etimologjizimi i Greqishtes do te ishte praktikisht i pamundur. Ne realitet, puna nuk qendron keshtu, megjithe mundimet tona, ne po provojme krejt te kunderten.

    Per te realizuar renien e mbreterise shqiptare, vendi yne u la i vetem perballe fuqise me te eger te kohes, asaj te turqve. Qe projekti i mbreterive evropiane te funksiononte, shqiptaret duhet te pushtoheshin nga turqit, dhe te asimiloheshin. Meqe ky projekt, megjithe pushtimin 500 vjecar, nuk u realizua, atehere Evropa vuri ne pune makinat shoviniste greke dhe serbe, per te copetuar edhe me trojet shqiptare dhe per ta rralluar edhe me popullsine shqiptare, ne mos per ta shuar kete komb.

    Evropa ka hedhur gjithmonë gurin dhe kanë fshehur dorën. Ajo nga shqiptarët krijoj palcën e kombeve greke dhe sllave.

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  17. Dear Greek friend,

    I don't want to reply negatively to you, cause you might be even a brother of mine, we all know from dna halopgroups that there is an old part of us in the Greece, and it is not little. I personally do not believe in Pelasgians, Etruscans, Illyrians, Egyptians, Greeks directly descendance theories stuff. If you will simply study the NewChronology books, 2010, of authours like russian mathematician and histoian Anatoly Fomenko, german Uwe Topper & Heribert Illig, Ecc., you will see the biggest matematic analyses ever done about all the paradoxes and evidences of the big falsification of history of mankind, detailed in thousand and thousand of pages, done from the XVcentury till now. Sincerely, I reccomend you to read them, study and then ask to yourself a lot of things about what's going on in the world. Like for example the hypotesis that "old albanian" might have been spoken a lot in the mediterranus sea and more; even Italians historians, 2007, have clearly found the origins of the Sardinian language, thousand of pages explained 100% with the today albanian. I will give you the name of the books, order from Italian Univeristies, If you are curious. They found the origin of their language very clearly, Italian people, my friend, not albanian sheep nationalists. Why if we are nothing in the Ballkans, those guys found etymology of Sardinia with albanian, nor with ancient Greek, nor with Latin? You stil ask yourself why there isn't a single proof? Take care also some other years. If one day, for the sake of God, the secret archives in Istambul and Vatikan will be opened for the albanians, It will the best thing to come with me and find what the hell is taken there, an italian guy recently found an book written in albanian gegh in the 4Century AD. You stil ask yourself why there isn't a single proof?

    You say Albania in Caucausus is where we came from, well, we were all one people here in the Europe, in the Balkans, in the past, living in peace and harmony! Look at what we have become?! I don't want to hate a Greek or a Serbian guy and I will never do, I feel really sad. Please do not follow the game, we are normal people like you. Albanian history is hidden for serious political reasons. Please open your mind, don't exchange education in indoctrination, I didn't met an old greek guy to correct us from the problems of conventional history or from these "controversial" theories, so you, so why we need to beat each other? Sad.

    Hope all the best,
    With sincerity,
    An Albanian Guy

  18. We are not talking about hate or love and I do consider the albanian people neither enemies nor inferiors to the english, the serbs, the greeks, the italians, the french etc ...
    You use to carry on eccentric theory on the basis of hypothesis which do not find any proof or verification in the academical world. If you say that exist a book written in Ghegh in the fourth century BC why you don't publish it? Moreover do you know that exist thousand of greeks and latin epigraphes, papyrouses, ceramics and other documents and evidences spread all over the mediterranean? Who did that? Was the conspirating turks together with pope and ecumenical patriarch? Your answer is fully of conspiration theories and supposing that the Vatican and/or Konstantinopolis are conspiring to hide the true about the story of albanian people, that is amazing! We don't live in the middle-age ...
    Your genetic theory is funny too " ...there is an old part of us in the Greece"! ...unless you belong to Neandhertal human species!
    A Maltese Guy

  19. Ora veramente avete passato il limite tutti quanti siete, albanese, greci, maltesi ecc. Visto che non siete in grado di commentare senza offendervi e offendermi, cancello i vostri commenti offensivi. Vi avevo avvertito ma non avete ascoltato. A chi non piacciono le idee di questo blog e scrive solo per offendere è pregato di non entrare e leggere più queste pagine.

  20. Dear Maltese Guy,

    Thank you very much for the answer. You're welcome. I just came now, I was out with my friends. It is a pleasure to speak with people from different parts of the world. Thanks. Now, I will try to answer to you, the controversial points of my belief systems, in a few words. Sorry If I wasn't so clear in the previous comment.

    Lots of ancient documents written in Albanian language, are in Austria and Italy, no one in the Albanian Accademies of Tirana take care of them; they even prisioned, in the Enver Hoxha dictatorship, lots of professors writing about ancestry of albanian people and language, for example Dhimiter Pilika, Spiro Konda, Ecc. I've all the rights to doubt, just starting from these things of the last century of albanian isolation from Europe.

    Then, second and more important point, the one that makes me thinks so far about albanian things, it's this: Why, in all the Balkanic people in the Otoman Empire, only to the Arnauts has been prohibited to write in their language? This have been a starting point to me, with the fact that all the cities of Arbëria were destructed, no one albanian old cities are only some in the Malësia untouched. (A german, Çam origins, historian found in the Malësia e Madhe untouched from the Turks, the same letters of the Etruscan alphabets, that is new fidings of this year, we'll become public. They correspond to the Θ, Ϙ, Y, DH of albanian. No latin, neither Greeks touched those parts of Nothern Albania. The book is called "The sacred history of The Arvanites" published in Germany and Kosova, Tirana Accademies still silence.)

    For the funny theory "...there is an old part of us in the Greece", you're right, I wrote a little funny, all we belong to a common ancestor, that's sure hehe. Btw, with that sentence I am refering to the genetics studies by the Institutes for the Eastern Europe of Bologna and Florence. And, also to the recently fake-leucemia death of the great Arvanites historian Aristidh P.Kolias, Greek governement accused it and all the Arvanites Associates. I can send all the materials in greek and arvanties language. Why kill men, If all is ridicolous? Debate open about that. So, the old part of Albanians there, is about the Arvanites in general and Çameria, and all the greek people that have hidden or denied arvanties origin. With simply a little -os, ecc., in the end, they changed all the surnames to greek ones. We are talking on the milion scale! Not to talk of all the territories given by Ali Pasha in the Jannina too. Did you knew that modern Greece state have been ruled by 19 Arvanites? 19 on totally 20, they were even spoking albanin in the parlaments, cronicles says, the killed the man, in 2000, that found those facts in the arvanites villages and archives, and still asking why in school they even study that Gjergj Kastrioti was Greek! Greek dress is another dramatic point too, coming from Arvanites dress. All the deutsche, french and english travellers in Greece and Albania of the XIX century, that left beautiful cronichles about traditions and costumes, Lord Bayron too, wrote that most of the Greece in 1850 spoke Albanian, why they called it Greece?! We don't know, even if we are talking about hundreds of travellers books, how they were right, but we can't deny all with misbeliefing. That is not right at all, I don't want to deny Greks. I take critically all the informations, every Greek and Albanian should do that. We are in 2010, not in the Middle Ages mentality.

  21. (...continues)

    And about the Conspiracy Theories...just look at the world, and what is going on, do you onestly think that all is "trallallà" and clear things? I'm not anymore one of the trallalà guys happy about history and lots of other things, because there are lots of obscure things. Lots. If you onestly think that history is the right description of the Old World, then you have again all the rights, so I. But, also for my nature, I won't stop to doubt.

    For me, my friend, I can ensure you that something truth must be out there in the ancient times and it's connected with the language that the state of Arbëria conserved with dignity and stubbornness. Time will answer, studying every day, all these enigmas and History, how we know it, before the XV century, is Fiction or Science. I might be wrong, a fantasist, for you, and I understand really. But, remember, different it doesn't necesarrely means wrong.

    All the best,
    A Shqipëtar Guy

    p.s. Please, If you would like to talk about history more, I would like to have your email. You seems really passionated guy, It would be a pleasure to talk about controversial points of Albanian People and Language. Thank you again.

  22. Thus, it came as somewhat of a surprise when in 1875 excavations led by Z. Torma at Tordos in the gold and silver rich regions of Transylvania (Romania) yielded inscribed objects (Torma 1889). Excavations at Vinca, 120 km southwest of Tordos, yielded another cache of inscribed objects (Vasíc 1910).In 1875, archaeological excavations led by Zsofia Torma at Tordos (now Turdas) in Transylvania unearthed a cache of objects inscribed with previously unknown symbols. A similar cache was found during excavations conducted in 1908 in Vinca, a suburb of the Serbian city of Belgrade, some 120km from Tordos. Later, more such fragments were found in Banjica, another part of Belgrade. To date, more than a thousand fragments with inscriptions have been found on various archaeological sites throughout south-eastern Europe, notably in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, eastern Hungary, Moldova, southern Ukraine and other locations in the former Yugoslavia.
    Initially it was thought that this Vinca-Tordos script had diffused from the Near East (Popovic 1965). However, in more recent work C-14 dating shows that the Transylvanian objects are more than a thousand years older than the Uruk tablets (c. 4000 BC) (Gimbutas 1973; Winn 1981; Gimbutas 1991; and refs. therein). Also, examination of a more extensive corpus of approximately 940 inscribed objects from more than twenty cities over hundreds of square kilometers compiled in pioneering work by S.M.M. Winn (1981), including previously unpublished objects, shows that the Old European Script (OES) (Gimbutas 1991) has little similarity with Near Eastern writing. These findings have led to the view that the OES probably arose independently (Gimbutas 1973; Winn 1981; Gimbutas 1991; Renfrew 1969). Eighty-two percent of the inscriptions are on pottery (including 260 inscriptions on the base of pots). The rest of the inscriptions are on whorls (flat cylindrical annuli), figurines, and a small collection of other objects. More than eighty-five percent of the inscriptions consist of only a single sign. The OES has not been deciphered. It is also not known for what the script was used, but the prevailing theory (Gimbutas 1973; Winn 1981; Gimbutas 1991; Haarmann 1996) is that it was used for religious purposes. Here we show that nearly one-third of the inscribed pottery objects bear numerical inscriptions, and we suggest that the script may have been used for economic purposes. For the incised score marks on the bottom of pots in particular, we greatly doubt that any religious purpose was intended.
    Atmir Ilias

  23. Now, we have accumulated more archeological, anthropological, linguistics facts than before. We have accumulated more knowledge the before. The varied new facts help to overcome tunnel vision and view more than one way.
    Until now, I see as a disadvantage that the Europe is dominated by Greek-Roman tunnel vision.
    It has reduced the science effectiveness and still today tries to dominate the discussion by being closed to other ways.
    The representatives of the tunnel vision try to win any argument and exert pressure on the individual new scientists to conform their expected views.
    Especially when they are dialing with a controversial new research, we can see quite clearly how they become prone to the phenomenon, that I call the Greek-Roman neurotic disorder.
    Atmir Ilias.

  24. They were not just hiding everything, but the worst is that they still are preventing any attempt to get to the truth behind the language.

  25. Ok, guys. you claim to albanian people and scholars the right to go deeper and deeper on their thesis about ancients languges, the languages of albanians, of pelasgian etc ...?That's right and nobody want to deny your prerogatives. But you have to lissen also who dare to criticize you about your thesis or conclusions or method. Here below I want to summarize what, according to my humble opinion, is the weakness in your thesis:

    1)Ideological: you use to postpone cultural instances to nationalist and, worst, to conspiring issues.
    2)Method: the fact that some words of ancient languages reseamble albanian language's ones that leads you to the conclusions that Shqip language is the oldest one, that Albanian is the language of Pelasgian and so on ...I want only to remind you that exists an academic discipline (diacronic linguistic) which has shown how albanian language is to be considered as an indo-european language. This explain why it is easy to find words in common with other languages like greek or latin or germanic or slavic etc ...Moreover all the languages dinamically evolve in correlation with other languages. So it is easy to find in modern greek words deriving from latin, italian, turkish and albanian, or to find in italian language words from greek, germanic, arabic ..., or in english words in loan by french ...etc.

    3)Purposes: assuming that your theory gets the true (that albanians are the descendents of Pelasgians etc ...) what are your aims? to say that civilization spreads from albanians? that Greeks, Romans and others ancient civilization should pay tribute to a sopposed Ancient Albanian civilization? Or that Plato, Socrates, Pericles, Homer etc are nothing but Albanians?

    All the best
    A sceptic guy

  26. Hey, Malta guy, nice to see here again. You're educated guy, I retired my previous opinions when you commented negatively. :) But, now, let's get to your and our points. I said our points before, it is not good to repeat again a lot. I'll try to answer on the three points, as much as our alternative researches goes, as much as I know.

    1)Ideological: Nationalism Sheep Mentality is totally out of every serious scientific work coming out. Cospiracy is cospiracy, if there are documents coming out, the truth reveals herself. Obviously conspiracy point, doesn't start from fragile facts..

    2)Method: Super sceptic, maybe alien, for lots of people.. But, we are sceptic also about Proto-Indo-European point, so it is better to don't go in that line here, since that nothing prove 100% everything. ;)

    3)About the third point of the purposes.. We totally disagree. Absolutely Not. We don't want to aim everything, just starting from any supossed theories. We write just what the facts might give us: we are everything, but fantasists not. There is an old albanian popular proverb that says: "E vërtëta vonon, po nuk harron." Trans."The truth retards, but doesn't forget". No aims, no supposing theories, only what we find reasonable proof and of course archeological, hidden documents, ecc. Do we need to insult each other only for thinking different? Thank you again, my friend, for your goodness. Educated people are welcome everywhere.

    Be Well in Malta,
    Shqiptar Guy

  27. “Oh Albania, My poor Albania,
    Who has put your head in the hashes?
    You were once a woman a great importance,
    The people of the Earth used to call you Mother!”
    Pashko Vasa.
    Edward Gibbon. In the “Decline and fall of the Roman Empire”
    “..For a time the Empire was restored by the Illyrians”
    Albanians played a big role in the e Ottoman Empire with the Kuprili family-of obscure origin from Albania.
    In the modern area Albanians played a key role in establishing nations around of Mediterranean world including Egypt, Italy, Greece, and Turkey.
    In Greece in early 1800s,Lord Byron witnessed the Albanian families fighting for Greek independence. The first precedent of Greece was George Kondouriti of Hydra, an Albanian.In Egypt, Mohammed Ali, made himself king in early 1800,an obscure Albanian origine.The first Prime Minister of Italy, Fancesco Crespi was an Albanian.
    Both parents of Ataturk, father of Modern Turkey, were of Albanian origin (Orga, Irfan,” Ataturk” 1962”)

  28. It is widely held misconception that writing is more perfect than speech. To many people, writing somehow seems more correct and more stable, whereas speech can be careless, corrupted, and susceptible to change. Some people even go so far as to identify language with writing and to regard speech as a secondary form of language used imperfectly to approximate to ideals of the written language.
    One of the basic assumptions of modern linguistics, however, is the speech is primary and the writing is secondary. The most immediate manifestation of language is speech and not writing.
    When linguists study language, they take the spoken language as their best source of data and their object of description, except in instances of language like Latin e Old Greek for both there are no longer any speakers.
    There are several reasons for maintaining that speech is primary and writing secondary.
    First, writing is a later historical development than spoken language.
    Second, current archeological evidence indicates that writing was first utilized in Sumer, that is, modern day Iraq, about 6000 years ago.
    Third, as far as physical and cultural anthropologist can tell, spoken language has probably been used by humans for hundreds of thousand years.
    Fourth, no society uses only written language with no spoken form.
    Fifth, spoken language acquired automatically. All children naturally learn to speak the language of the community in which they are brought up. They acquire the basics of their native language before they enter in school, and even they attend school, they become fully competent speakers.
    Finally, neurolinguistic evidence that studies the brain in action during the language, demonstrates the processing and production of written language is overlaid on the spoken language centers in the brain. Spoken language involves several distinct areas of the brain.

  29. Il primo tra i moderni ad intuire le possibilità di un ‘metodo etimologico’ fu Gianbattista Vico, il quale, nel 1710 partiva dalla seguente constatazione: «il latino abbonda di locuzioni abbastanza dotte, mentre la storia attesta che fino ai tempi di Pirro gli antichi Romani non si occuparono che di agricoltura e di guerra»[1]. Da questa premessa il filosofo arrivava a conclu*dere: «che quei vocaboli provenissero da un’altra dotta nazione e che essi le avessero usate senza capirne il senso»[2].

    Con il metodo etimologico quindi si sarebbe potuto arrivare fino alla ricostruzione dell’antico sapere italico riposto, secondo Vico, nel popolo degli Etruschi e in quello degli Ioni[3].

    Un altro grande intellettuale settecentesco, Vincenzo Cuoco, pur riservando qualche critica al metodo etimologico di Vico (che avrebbe dovuto decadere da ruolo di principale strumento euristico ad uno più modesto di supporto verificativo) elaborava la sua ipotesi storiografica immaginando (come il suo illustre predecessore) un popolo progenitore di quelli italici e di quello greco.
